Sunday! [20:49]
I love Sundays because I can watch my favorite sport on tv, soccer! :D And today was, Santos x São Caetano, and of course, São Caetano won and will go to the final game with one advantage goal \o/ We have to say thank you to Fábio Costa ;) 4ever in our hearts! hahahahahaha >)
Today I went to Águas de São Pedro and lunch there! Was good and very funny, you know, with family everything is good xD
Tomorrow we [me and friends] will have a party! \o/ And classes ¬¬' But it's ok ;D
Fernanda [God]: I know what you feel when you say "I need to go to London", I need to go to Palestra Itália too, there's something there for me, I can feel, It's a beautiful feeling ;x hahahahaha Just kidding, God!
(8)Love me now and leave me NEVER!(8) Yes, baby! N-E-V-E-R, ok? o/ hahahahahahaha
Listening; Waiting For Tonight - J.Lo
Good night guys, see ya ;***
[thanks for all ;x]