Yeeaaah! Today's Friday \o/
But tomorrow I'll have classes :\ But it's ok :D
Minutes ago I was thinkin how difficult is write in english! You know, when we talk or think is much more easy! Who cares?! ¬¬' hahahahahaha such a idiot
So, tonight we [me and her] have a barbecue! Yeah o/ And Monday? Party, baby! xD And next month? Party again \o/ And of course we're studying a lot! ;P
I'm so tired today :\ I guess I will sleep for a short while ;)
(8) Después de la tormenta siempre llega la calma.
Pero, sé que después de ti, después de ti no hay nada.
Para qué me curaste cuando estaba herío si hoy me dejas de nuevo con el corazón partío. (8)
Alejandro Sanz - Corazón Partío
Good night and see ya! ;*
[Yep, it's me in the photo ;)]
Oi pessoa...
Show seu Blog....
E Nathalia não cumpre o que diz...u.u'
Bem, como já percebeu aqui estou eu mais uma vez comentando em inglês. Mas, o que eu posso fazer se sou uma vagal sem remédio?
Opa! Festa...\o/ Próximo mês chegando, CDs sendo gravados, vaquinhas sendo feitas para as bebidas/comida e...e..e... FESTA!
PS: Sim! Graças a Deus é sexta feira! ^^
Argh! After lose everything that I wrote before, here I'm now. Let's try again!
Yeah, classes on Saturday are such a creep, but what can we do? The best part of it is that you can see me and not miss me, because I know that everyone loves me and I'm perfect and God is me. =D
Oh! PARTY! \o/
goshh...I wanted saturday to come so bad...ad today is saturday =}
Feels good to wear pijamas =}
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