Monday, 17:20 pm
Another day, the same addiction, another history.
Today I went school, went back home, did my homework for tonight [cause I have my english course], and now I'm here, to tell you nothing.
Yep, lately my life has been so full of "what I have to laern to get in on a good university" and empty of "good vibrations", do you know what I mean? I hope so...
I wanna take off this mask that hide what I'm felling. Fake smiles, fakes laughs, but a sincere tear when the night arrives...but you know how life is, the show must go on.
I'll stay by here!
Good night and kisses!
Listening; Bad Religion - Yesterday
[If I wrote something wrong, please correct me ;)]
fake smiles, fake laughts...oh, yeah...We study at the same school, we deal with the same stupid people everyday.
Did I told you what I discovered today?
Oh, girl, it will change this year a little bit ^^
Not good..."/
Thanks for your votes in my blog!
I know that you'll be here for me when I need.And if you need me to say the same for you, I'll kick your ass!
Damn, girl, you already should know that I will be there for you too!
Ow! Eu avisei que sou vagal demais para comentar em inglês, então... cá estou eu usando da nossa velha e boa língua para me expressar. XD
Baby, acho que todos nós estamos passando pela mesma coisa ou por coisas muito parecidas. Sim, este "inicio de ano" acabou tornando-se algo desagradavel para uma boa maioria das pessoas que eu conheço e para mim também. u.u'
Rê, não sei exatamente como você esta se sentindo e tudo (Afinal, somente você tem plena "certeza" do que pode estar sentindo) mas quero que você saiba que se precisar de mim para qualquer coisa eu estarei aqui.
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