[photo: Amazing day! Friends, for sure, what else I can say 'bout them? (L)]
Thursday, 19:54 pm
I have to tell you guys, today was so funny! Started with my first class, I had to arise in the "stage" because of a friends of mine and my professor, but it's ok =P Let it be...hahahaha
On my second class, my friend passed by a worst thing than me, isn't Drunkness? hahahaha x)
By the third class I received my "school report" (I don't know how to write this in english), and...yeah, "mathematics recovery" :\ It's ok!
Minutes ago my father went home and gave me a great new! :D But I can't tell you ;\ Sorry!
Now I'm talkin with a very important person [yeah, this is for you, honey! x)], and, of course, with my amazing friend, that gave for some people a little more of respect o/ Love both ;)
Tomorrow I'll have a test, hope do well.
I'll stay by here, friends!
Good night and see you soon ;*
listening; Live Forever - Oasis
Hey baby! :D
Yeah, it's me here, for the first time o/
Hahaha today was beautiful! *.* Drunk's face was amazing!!! Do you think Arnaldo will send her photos of him? hahahah If he does, it's better she send to us too! ò.ó
Oh! So, you're 17 now, hum? huahuahauhauhau "ROLLED"!!! XD
So pretty, I'll stop here. Next post I'll return! Muahahahaha
Kisses! ;**
Muito bem...u.u'
Eu tenho tenho palavras para expressar o que passei hoje. Por isso, é melhor nem comentar. Só espero conseguir assistir aulas de história satisfatoriamente daqui para frente.
Que seja, só espero que a vergonha toda pelo menos me renda algumas belas fotos.
Obs: Tá ficando chato isso de só eu comentar em portugues. ¬¬'
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